
Guide to using our sales dashboard

  From the Vendor Dashboard, Vendors have full control over managing their store and selling products. Here’s a brief overview of the different sections and features available: 1. Products: Vendors can add, edit, and delete their products. They can set the product title, description, price, images, and other details. They can also manage product inventory […]

How to upload profile photo

How to upload profile photo Steps to upload the profile photo: log in as the member; go to the profile page; Click “Edit Profile” under the gear icon to turn on profile “edit” mode; click to the profile photo – you’ll see the dropdown menu. Click “Upload photo” – you’ll see a popup “Change your […]

How should I complete my profile?

Welcome to “Amirkabir Paper” ! We are excited to have you as a member of our community. To make the most of your experience, it is important to complete your profile. This guide will walk you through the steps to complete your profile. Step 1: Accessing Your Profile 1. Login to your account on Amirkabir […]

Amirkabir Paper