

From the Vendor Dashboard, Vendors have full control over managing their store and selling products. Here’s a brief overview of the different sections and features available:

1. Products: Vendors can add, edit, and delete their products. They can set the product title, description, price, images, and other details. They can also manage product inventory and variations.

2. Orders: This section allows vendors to view and manage their orders. They can mark orders as shipped, track the status, and communicate with buyers. They can also generate invoices and print packing slips.

3. Coupons: Vendors can create and manage coupons to offer discounts to their customers. They can set coupon codes, discount types, usage limits, and expiration dates.

4. Reports: The reports section provides essential insights into the store’s performance. Vendors can view sales reports, top-selling products, and revenue breakdowns. This helps them make informed decisions and optimize their selling strategies.

5. Delivery Time: Vendors can set the estimated delivery time for their products. This information helps buyers understand when they can expect to receive their orders.

6. Reviews: In this section, Vendors can manage product reviews and ratings. They can approve, reply to, or delete reviews left by their customers.

7. Withdraw: This feature allows vendors to request withdrawals of their earnings. They can specify the withdrawal method and provide necessary details for the transfer.

8. Followers: Vendors can view and manage their followers or subscribers. This helps in building a loyal customer base and keeping them updated with new products or offers.

9. Subscription: If vendors offer subscription-based products or services, they can manage subscriptions in this section. They can add, edit, or cancel subscriptions as needed.

10. Announcements: Vendors can create announcements or notifications to be displayed on their store’s page. This helps them communicate important information or updates to their customers.

11. Settings: In this section, Vendors can configure various settings related to their store. They can customize store logos, banners, and colors. They can also manage payment gateways, shipping methods, and tax settings.


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