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Calender roll cleaning

1. Cleaning depends on the type of dirt:
(a) for
pitch, asphalt from kraft waste, and pieces of paper, kerosene or other solvent piped to the stack is the best cleaning agent.
(b) in board mills where starch is used at the stack, a non-ionic surface-active agent may be used.
2. In all cases, the cleaning fluid should be applied just before the sheet is threaded and is often applied to the top roll with the doctors off.
the first few feet of paper run removes the cleaning material and the dirt.
3. Sometimes a scraper blade held against the roll is the only remedy.
great care must be taken to avoid marring the surface of the roll.
4. An oil mop (soluble oil) applied to calender rolls at the exit side of the calender will clean most surface soils.
ensure doctors are in contact with roll.
5. Roll bounce, which may occur after start-up or rethreading, can generally be eliminated by an oil mop application to the roll surface.

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