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Couch pit flooding

1. Most couch pits are too small.
ensure that pump is working and that level control for bringing in second pump is operational.
2. Ensure that agitators are working to prevent thick stock from blocking the pipe.
3. Ensure correct placement of appropriate automatic valve on knock down showers to avoid too much heavy stock.
4. Avoid prolonged breaks.
if system is disturbed, find the cause rather than forcing the issue and trying to take the paper over.
5. If stock build-up cannot be controlled by use of hoses, then stock must be taken off the forming fabric and the forming fabric stopped before stock builds up and causes ridges.
6. It may be necessary to sewer a flooded pit; then unblock pipe to couch pit pump.
it is a judgment call as to whether the sheet can be taken over sufficiently rapidly to avoid aggravating the situation.


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