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Stock sticking to wire

1. Use corrosion inhibitors (wire-life extenders).
2. Maintain pH control of system and so reduce corrosion.
ideally pH should be five or more, but this is not always possible because of type of dyes, sizing, etc.
maintain the same pH for fresh water showers to avoid deposits.
3. The slice jet impingement angle may be too great.
check L/b ratio.
4. Maintain a good wrap of the forming fabric over first return roll which, of course, is doctored.
the return roll exerts a suction similar to that of a table roll and can pick off fibers.
5. Maintain proper showering of the forming fabric.
6. Consider using finer forming fabrics if possible.
7. Use a pulp with less hemicellulose.
8. Adjust stock properties by refining or beating less.
9. Keep
pitch in dispersion with appropriate chemical dispersing agents, or talc.
10. Adjust loading on couch roll.
monitor couch vacuum.
11. Check condition of forming fabric.
change if necessary.
12. Check condition of couch roll.
clear plugged holes or change if possible.
13. Make certain that the crown on the couch roll is correct.
14. Clean or change dirty or filled felts.

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