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Machine showers plugging

1. Ensure that white water consistency is not too high, and that there is adequate filtering on white water line.
dual strainers are suggested, one in use and one on standby.
2. Check saveall for tears or holes in covering.
3. Check buttons in showers for burrs and rough spots causing a build-up of lumps
(a) plugged showers in headbox will give streaks in sheet on the forming fabric.
(b) if parts of the nozzles are plugged, flow in the shower pipe is reduced.
(c) if shower is not fitted with an overflow, slime growth can occur.
slime may be forced through remaining nozzles, producing slugs.
4. Check in-line strainers, if any, for breakage.
5. Open flush valve on showers to remove any residue in shower pipe.

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