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Breaks, general

1. Check cleanliness of machine and stock system for fiber, pitch or slime build-up.
consider more frequent or more thorough wash-ups as frequent breaks strongly indicate dirty machine or stock system.
2. Ensure there is no mechanical damage or corrosion in headbox.
check for plugged headbox shower nozzles.
3. Plugged water lines to rectifier roll bearings permit side-of-box build-ups (stock lumps) which will break loose.
4. Check for scratches on surface of headbox sidewalls and floor below liquid level where fiber and fines can build up.
check and adjust deckles and showers.
5. Check for fines accumulation in wet end approach system.
6. Breaks may result from moving wet line.
level the sheet on the forming table to remove irregularities in weight or caliper.
7. Check clarified white water used on wire return roll showers.
8. Check for build-up under forming table and headbox apron.
9. Check all shower positions for proper operation and blocked nozzles.
check trim squirts for plugging and alignment.
10. Suction box area of press nip may not be removing enough water.
check for low vacuum.
11. Review nature, age, and hardness of roll covers.
12. Check for presence of stickies, free size, or pitch in system.
check addition levels of biocides and pitch dispersants.
13. Check break ends along with frequency, distribution, and location.
14. Ensure that early dryer temperatures are graduated properly.
check and readjust excessively tight draws.
15. Breaks may result from small changes in flow volume, dry solids content, fines levels or temperature of the white water.
16. Check stock freeness levels if breaks are associated with sheet blowing on dryers.
17. Check and adjust screen and cleaner systems.
check approach system for strings.
18. If in use, tighten drive belts to eliminate slippage.
19. Check felt cleanliness and conditioning.
clean or replace worn or filled felts.
check felt and forming fabric edges for stringing.
20. Check and adjust press loading.
increase or decrease as needed.
check crown and crown curve of press rolls.
21. Check for loose broke in dryer section.
22. Check for broken or loose ropes whipping into sheet.
23. Check dryer surface temperatures for faulty siphon or defective steam rotary joint.
24. Check dryer alignment and drive.
25. Check dryer surfaces for accumulated
dirt or foreign material.
26. Breaks may also result from other formation defects.

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