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1. Furnish considerations:
it is easier to close up the sheet structure with slush pulps.
use easy beating fibers that meet other specifications
ensure that level of broke used is appropriate for the grade.
in lighter weight grades, coarse, unrefined pulps give a mat that is too open to avoid pinholes.
avoid pulps with excessive fines.
2. Stock preparation:
use the highest practical refining consistency.
strive for minimum cutting in refining.
keep stock temperatures as low as possible at start of refining to maximize fiber swelling.
gradually increase refining loads as it is essential to avoid heavy refining early in the process.
maintain careful control of filler addition.
3. Air entrainment:
minimize introduction of air into stock at any point in the approach system.
use mechanical deaerators or defoamers to minimize air in the stock to the headbox.
pay close attention to pH and total acidity, especially in neutral or alkaline systems.
4. Paper machine conditions:
use the finest mesh forming fabric consistent with other operating conditions.
check position of slice apron relative to centerline of breast roll.
graduate vacuums on foils and suction boxes.
5. Press section:
check first press for tendency toward crushing.
do not overload first press.

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