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Grease resistance

1. Adjust furnish components, if possible.
easy beating pulps help to mechanically close up the structure.
reduce broke use to the extent possible.
2. Adjust refining if other tests permit.
increase refining consistency to promote fibrillation rather than cutting.
increase refining to close up the sheet structure.
3. Use additives, such as fluoro-chemicals, to enhance greaseproofness.
4. Improve formation to close up sheet.
adjust jet/wire ratio.
5. Increase headbox temperature.
higher stock temperature promotes drainage that allows more refining to improve sheet closure.
6. Check the condition and drainage characteristics of the forming fabric.
7. Ensure that press rolls are clean and free of buildups.
8. Check wear and finish of wet felts.
if condition is poor, try reducing press loading to minimize negative effects.
9. Slacken draws, if possible, to improve grease resistance of web.
10. Adjust drying.
higher sheet moistures into size press improves pick-up of surface sizing.
a drier sheet will tend to hold-out the surface treatment better.
11. Maximize starch pick-up at size press.
lower nip pressure allows more size/starch treatment to remain on sheet surface.
reduce internal sizing to increase amount of surface size picked up.
12. Increased calendering usually will improve grease resistance.
increase roll temperature, nip pressure or number of nips at supercalender.

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