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Burst (or Mullen)

1. Increase size press solids and/or pick-up, if conditions permit.
this will improve burst and tensile.
2. Increase refining, if other tests permit.
low intensity or fibrillating refining will raise the burst.
a small increase in refining consistency will tend to improve fibrillation.
3. Check ash and moisture tests to be sure they are standard.
a high ash and low moisture content contribute to low burst.
4. Use additives in furnish to increase burst (starch, gum, etc.).
5. Investigate possible furnish change to increase amount of higher burst pulp.
6. Improved formation can raise burst significantly.
7. Wet pressing tends to move burst directionally the same as refining.
8. Reduce draws, especially at wet end, to help improve stretch and burst.
9. Change types of pulps, furnish ratios, or amount of broke used to get improved burst.
10. Reduce amount of calendering and calendering pressure to raise burst.
raise moisture content of sheet if possible.

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