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1. Check ash content of sheet.
if it is low, dope up system in the stock preparation area.
2. Optimize filler dispersion and first-pass retention.
increase or decrease flow of retention agent as needed
3. Consider addition of sodium aluminate to system.
4. Check the white water pH.
maintain the pH as high as operating conditions will permit.
5. Check flat box vacuum.
use as little vacuum and as many boxes as possible.
6. Adjust table setup.
check foil positions and blade angles.
need to close up sheet and still control drainage rate.
lower some drainage elements if possible.
7. Increase refining to permit better filler retention.
higher consistency, fibrillating refining promotes retention.
8. Check white water system to be sure there are no excessive losses.
check saveall efficiency to maximize fines recovery.
9. Slow down machine.
10. If low opacity persists on all heavily filled grades, consider possibility of a finer weave forming fabric.
check condition and wear of machine clothing.
11. If ash content is at target or above, investigate possible furnish change to higher opacity pulps.
12. Improve sheet formation.
close up structure and get better first-pass retention.
13. Reduce size press solids and/or pick-up if other tests permit.
too much surface sizing tends to lower opacity.
14. Consider furnish change to hardwood or better forming pulps.
good formation helps opacity.
increase broke percentage.
15. Check and adjust calender temperature and pressure.
excessive calendering lowers opacity.
Related subjects include,
Ash content and Filler content varying.

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