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Basis weight, CD varying

Carefully check headbox variables and slice setup.
1. Eliminate headbox shower water pressure pulsations that can disturb both MD and CD profiles.
2. Adjust headbox variables to obtain optimum flow pattern.
3. Check condition of slice screws and adjust slice.
4. Check for a warped slice or a dirty slice lip.
5. Check for poor headbox condition.
slice may not be lined up with forming fabric.
6. Adjust deckle rulers and cheeking pieces.
7. Eliminate light edges.
correct profiles.
8. Correct headbox shower water temperature so it does not vary more than
± 2 F .
9. Check for moisture variation.
10. Check press showers and oscillation.
11. Check press suction rolls.
12. The moisture profile may be non-uniform due to conditions in the presses and sweat dryers.
13. For “dry” or “conditioned” basis weight variations, slice settings must be checked.
For related topics, see
Wet streaks and Basis weight (CD) variations.

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