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Bulk improvement

1. Change furnish.
in newsprint, balsam gives a higher bulk than fir.
2. Change beating/refining.
increase stock freeness to increase bulk.
3. Reducing the filler content within permissible range has a marked effect on bulk, but opacity is also impacted.
opacity can be independently controlled to some extent, if brightness permits, by using a neutral pigment such as TiO2.
4. Change the line pressure at the presses.
this can only be done effectively with controlled crown rolls.
5. Change the formation, where formation is not a problem.
6. Ensure correct operation of calender stack.
(a) to increase bulk:
raise calender rolls (with a fixed crown king roll this will necessitate jacking).
supply drier paper to the stack, e.g., shut off sweat dryer.
increase percent crepe.
shut steam off steam rolls.
(b) to decrease bulk:
decrease percent crepe.
use a breaker stack.
use additional rolls on stack.
supply more moist paper to stack.
Note: Watch for hard and cracked edges.

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