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Edge problems, press section

1. Wrinkles at edge.
check for weight variation at edges.
check that draws are stable and tight as practical.
check stock properties for uniformity.
check sheet dryness off couch.
check for level MD and CD weight profiles.
2. Deckle system.
adjust and ensure good alignment with trim.
3. Squirt cuts.
check pressure filter orifices.
may need to use two squirts.
may need to relocate squirts.
4. Felt conditions.
if filled on edges may be opened with edge shower.
if edges are badly worn, replace the felt.
5. Weight variation at edges.
check slice, cheeking pieces, and deckle set-up.
Edges crushing:
1. Avoid making the sheet too wide for press section.
2. Avoid excessively wet felt edges.
3. Check that felt is not worn or filled up at edges and that seams are straight.
4. Ensure that suction roll holes are not plugged.
check this each time machine is down for maintenance.
5. Ensure that saveall pans are clean, and drains are large enough.
6. Check crowns against the loading.
excessive loading often causes edge crushing.
7. Pull out end deckles and rotate suction box to proper position.

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