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Size press, uneven pick-up

1. Use multiple distributors spaced evenly across width of size press.
2. Stagger the distributors on the two sides of the web to preclude localized hot spots.
3. Employ edge dams to maintain uniform pond depth across entire width.
4. Use distributor sheet on bottom roll and deliver solution onto the sheet and not into the bottom puddle.
5. Extend distributors into puddle on top side.
6. Take static nip impressions when rolls are hot; i.e., immediately after a shut.
7. Check roll temperatures across entire surface (
» 20 equally spaced points).
8. Ensure level slice for best possible basis weight profile.
9. Maintain a finely tuned forming table.
10. Control dryer section to get most level moisture profile.
11. Optimize size press crowns and size solution distribution.
12. Change after-dryer section and calender operations to accommodate above moves.

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