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Dust in rolls

1. Excessive dust can generally be traced back to dull slitters.
it is essential to keep slitters sharp and to maintain system.
occurs more often when rolls are cut with score-cut slitters.
easily corrected with sharp slitters and proper sharpening angle for the grade of paper being slit.
if problem is serious, consider shear-type slitting using wraparound slitters.
if draw-shear slitters are used, the web should be supported on both sides of the slit.
2. Check spreader devices for correct set-up.
3. Ensure that the sheet is not over-dried.
4. Check or adjust slitters to ensure they are driven slightly faster (10%) than web.
5. Check and regrind slitters to keep as sharp as possible.
6. Ensure proper slitter set-up; depth, angle of relief, proper side loading, etc.
7. Check web tension so that sheet is not loose on one side entering slitters.
check and adjust guide rolls or unwind stand.
8. Dust can be eliminated by using a vacuum unit at the slit or by brushing the roll ends before wrapping.
these actions are usually correcting for a faulty set-up.
9. An alternate remedy is to use a mineral oil wick at the top slitter that transfers a small amount of oil to the web edge.
this holds the dust and prevents it from getting onto the sheet surface.

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