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Wall Paper

Wallpaper has long been a popular choice for adding a decorative touch to a room. Whether used as a backdrop for other decor or as a canvas for a beautiful painting, wallpaper has the power to transform any space. In the western world, the demands on wallpapers have changed over time, reflecting the ever-changing fashion trends and the increasing level of sophistication in interior design.

There are various methods used to print wallpapers, including flexo, offset, and screen print. Each of these printing techniques sets different demands on the surface to be printed. One particular finish that can be achieved through screen printing is a three-dimensional relief decor, which adds depth and texture to the wallpaper.

In addition to the decorative aspect, some wallpapers are designed to be peelable. This means that the top layer of the wallpaper can be easily removed, allowing for a new wallpaper to be applied when redecorating the room. To achieve this peelable feature, the wallpaper is made with a duplex (two-layer) paper that has a loose ply bond strength. This type of paper can be produced on double-wire paper machines by couching the plies at a high dryness content. If necessary, a wax emulsion or similar hydrophobic agent can be sprayed between the layers during the couching process.

Wallpapers can be made from single-ply mechanical papers or duplex papers with a woodfree top layer and a mechanical bottom. Washable grades of wallpaper are coated during the transformation phase, but they may also require a top layer that is resistant to wetness and rubbing.

The world of wallpaper is constantly evolving to adapt to changes in fashion. There is a continuous development of new designs and techniques to keep up with the ever-changing trends. The paper used for wallpapers typically ranges from 80 to 120 g/m2, providing a durable and high-quality product.

In conclusion, wallpaper serves as both a decorative element and a painting ground for transforming any space. With various printing techniques and the ability to be peelable, wallpapers offer versatility and endless possibilities for interior design. As fashion continues to evolve, so too will the world of wallpaper, ensuring that there is always a new and exciting option available to suit any style or taste.

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