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Oil Filter Paper

Lubrication oil plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of engines. It not only reduces friction and wear but also helps in dissipating heat and preventing corrosion. However, like any other fluid, lubrication oil is prone to contamination by impurities. These impurities can be detrimental to the engine’s performance and longevity if not properly filtered out.

In order to avoid wear and tear of the engine, it is essential that the impurities present in the lubrication oil are smaller than the thickness of the lubrication film in the engine cylinder. Furthermore, for the bearings, the impurities should be as small as possible. If larger particles were to pass through the lubrication film, they could cause damage by creating a high resistance to flow, similar to a cake obstructing a pipe.

To tackle this issue, lubrication oil is typically filtered in volume using oil filter papers. These papers are specifically designed to be lighter and denser than the air filter papers used in other filtration systems. This is because lubrication oil is a much thicker fluid than air, and therefore, requires a more robust filtration medium.

Oil filter papers are also impregnated with special materials to enhance their resistance to high temperatures. As the lubrication oil passes through the filter, these impurities get trapped in the fibers of the paper, preventing them from circulating back into the engine. This ensures that the oil remains clean and free from contaminants, thus maintaining the efficiency and longevity of the engine.

The impregnation of oil filter papers to resist high temperatures is crucial because the engine’s operating conditions can generate a significant amount of heat. Without this impregnation, the filter papers could degrade or even catch fire, leading to catastrophic consequences. Thus, the impregnation enhances the safety and reliability of the filtration process, allowing the oil filter to effectively remove impurities without compromising its own integrity.

In conclusion, maintaining clean lubrication oil is essential for the proper functioning and longevity of engines. By using oil filter papers that are specifically designed to handle the viscosity and temperature requirements of lubrication oil, impurities can be effectively removed, ensuring that the engine remains protected and performs optimally. The use of impregnated oil filter papers allows for reliable filtration, preventing wear and tear caused by contaminants and contributing to the overall efficiency and reliability of the engine.

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