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Cover Strip Paper

Cover strip paper is a crucial component in various products that require adhesive strips, such as diapers and envelopes. Before these products can be used, the adhesive strips need to be covered with a thin siliconized cover strip. This cover strip, typically weighing between 25-40 g/m2, plays a vital role in ensuring the functionality and convenience of these products.

The process of creating cover strips paper involves coating a base paper with a 10 g/m2 polyethylene layer through extrusion. This polyethylene layer serves as the adhesive surface for the cover strip. The base paper used for this purpose is often a machine glazed kraft paper, due to its strength and durability.

The use of cover strips paper is particularly important in products like diapers. The adhesive strips on diapers are meant to securely hold the diaper in place. However, they need to be covered before the diaper is worn to prevent the adhesive from sticking to other surfaces or causing discomfort to the wearer. The cover strip acts as a protective layer, ensuring that the adhesive remains intact until it is ready to be used.

Similarly, envelopes also utilize cover strips paper to seal the flap. The adhesive strip on the envelope flap needs to be covered to prevent it from sticking prematurely. This allows the envelope to be sealed efficiently when required, ensuring that the contents remain secure during transit.

The choice of a thin siliconized cover strip for these products is crucial. It needs to be lightweight enough to not add unnecessary bulk or weight to the product. However, it also needs to be strong and durable to withstand the wear and tear associated with everyday use.

The siliconizing process involves applying a thin layer of silicone to the cover strip. This silicone layer provides the necessary release properties, allowing the cover strip to be easily peeled off when the adhesive strip is ready to be used. The silicone also ensures that the cover strip does not stick to the adhesive surface prematurely, maintaining its effectiveness until it is removed.

In conclusion, cover strips paper is a vital component in various products that require adhesive strips. Whether it is in diapers or envelopes, the use of a thin siliconized cover strip ensures the functionality and convenience of these products. By providing a protective layer over the adhesive strip, cover strips paper ensures that the adhesive remains intact until it is ready to be used. With its lightweight yet durable properties, cover strips paper plays a crucial role in enhancing the user experience of these products.

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