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Sea Chart Board

Sea charts are an essential tool for navigation on the vast oceans and seas. They provide crucial information to sailors, allowing them to safely traverse the waters and reach their intended destinations. However, not all sea charts are created equal. Different types of vessels require charts with specific features and qualities to meet their unique needs.

On large merchant or cruising vessels, sea charts need to be tough and stiff. These ships often encounter rough weather conditions and heavy waves, so the charts must be able to withstand these challenges. Additionally, the charts are frequently handled and used by multiple crew members, so they must be durable enough to endure constant use. They must also be smooth enough to be stacked and stored in piles at the bridge, ensuring easy access for the crew.

In contrast, coast guard, fishing, and leisure boats have different requirements for sea charts. These smaller crafts often have limited space, so the charts need to be resistant to folding without losing their integrity. Furthermore, the charts used in these boats must be able to withstand wind and water in the cockpit, as they are more exposed to the elements. This means the paper used for these charts must be water-resistant and able to withstand the wear and tear of regular use.

One common type of paper used for sea charts is sea chart board, which is typically around 170 g/m2. It is made from a mixture of long and short fiber pulp, and some authorities even specify the use of textile fibers. This combination of fibers gives the paper the necessary strength and durability required for sea charts. The paper is also made with good wet strength, ensuring it can withstand damp conditions without disintegrating.

Another important characteristic of sea chart board is its surface sizing. Sizing refers to the process of applying a protective coating to the paper’s surface. In the case of sea charts, this coating is crucial for providing resistance to water and ensuring the paper remains legible even in wet conditions. The surface sizing also allows for easy erasing and circle plotting during repeated navigation.

To achieve the optimal handling properties and legibility, sea chart board is often finished with an MF (machine-finished) paper. This type of paper has a smooth surface, which enhances the chart’s usability and makes it easier to read and interpret the information displayed on it.

Sea charts play a vital role in ensuring the safety and success of maritime journeys. Whether on large merchant vessels or small leisure boats, these charts must meet specific requirements to meet the needs of each type of vessel. Sea chart board, with its durability, resistance to folding, and water resistance, provides the ideal medium for creating these essential navigational tools. By using high-quality sea chart board, sailors can navigate the world’s seas and oceans with confidence and accuracy.

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