
Crushing, dandy roll

1. Use more long fiber (reduce refining). 2. Check for puddling ahead of dandy and reduce the excess water. 3. Clean the dandy. 4. Ensure that dandy is: (a) correctly positioned with regard to flatboxes. (b) correctly set with regard to forming fabric (about a 2.5 cm impression as seen from below). (c) driven slightly […]


1. Maintain uniform stock freeness. — tendency to crush increases as freeness decreases. — reduce refining or change furnish to increase freeness. See Freeness varying. 2. Check couch roll for crown and wear. — couch should be in good operating condition and evenly loaded across the machine. — proper couch vacuum must be maintained. 3. […]

Refining and paper problems

1. When ash test is low, improve filler retention by closing up the sheet with more refining. 2. Blowing on the Yankee is probably due to inadequate adhesion that can be helped by increased refining. 3. Sticking to the Yankee reflects a structure that is too tight and probably has too many fines. — both […]

Amirkabir Paper