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1. Maintain uniform stock freeness.
tendency to crush increases as freeness decreases.
reduce refining or change furnish to increase freeness.
Freeness varying.
2. Check couch roll for crown and wear.
couch should be in good operating condition and evenly loaded across the machine.
proper couch vacuum must be maintained.
3. New roll covers or reground rolls should be checked for hardness across the face.
aging or chemical reactions can affect hardness.
4. Slack felts cause sagging and too tight a felt will close the weave and reduce the dewatering rate.
truing line should be run straight with distortion no greater than 10% of felt width.
it is common practice to move seam forward and backward to improve felt conditioning.
5. Furnish proportions should be run constant.
excessive broke or heavy white water recirculation into the system can abet crushing.
check and correct any variation in stock or water flow to machine.
6. Felts must be kept clean and maintained in good operating condition.
wash or replace dirty or plugged felts.
Refer to
Felt cleaning.
7. Ensure the elimination of entrained air in the stock.
8. Adjust consistency and/or consistency regulators.
9. Check all shower nozzles and vacuum boxes for plugging.
increase vacuum.
10. Check for water running under slice.
headbox and slice should deliver uniform distribution of stock across full width of machine.
check for water dropping on sheet from other sources.

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